Post Luxembourg goes “lean and green”
In May 2015, POST Luxembourg was awarded the ‘Lean and Green’ label by the Luxembourg Cluster for Logistics.
With this label, POST Luxembourg commits itself to reduce its CO2 emissions from logistics by at least 20% in five years (2015-2019). This objective will primarily be achieved through a gradual renewal of the fleet and eco-driving awareness courses. 

It is anticipated that the label will help to change mentalities by developing a culture of responsible driving within POST Luxembourg. While the programme aligns with the company’s overall CSR policy, it also fits with its aim of developing a 2015 CO2 emissions inventory. On completion of this inventory a reduction plan will be developed and deployed in 2016, target reductions in emissions not only related to the vehicle fleet but from buildings as well.

More information about POST Luxembourg’s CSR initiatives and objectives can be found in its 2014 CSR GRI G4 Report (