Poste Italiane empowering people through sustainability insights

Managing the impact of the mobility of people and goods is an ever increasing environmental and social challenge. Knowledge sharing, particularly around transportation and behaviour, is a key element to empowering people to make choices that will have positive impacts for the community now and for generations to come. In 2017, Poste Italiane’s corporate Mobility Management unit produced an e-book entitled Perché muoversi in modo sostenibile? (i.e. Why should we opt for a sustainable mobility?).

This e-book illustrates a series of best practices and economic advantages linked to more environmentally sustainable lifestyles, aimed at promoting greater awareness and sustainable mobility amongst Poste Italiane’s employees.

Poste Italiane’s entire workforce, almost 140,000 people, have access to the practical advice via the organisation’s intranet. The e-book is free and colleagues are encouraged to share these insights with their communities, thereby empowering a greater number of people to make more sustainable mobility choices. In 2018, a second edition of the e-book is due to be released.

This knowledge sharing builds on Poste Italiane’s 150-year history and aligns its reputation with progress, innovation and care for the community. Overall, the Mobility Management actions in 2017 resulted in a 38% reduction in emissions, equivalent to over 9,290 tonnes of CO2 and with associated cost savings in excess of €7.4m (US$8.6m).