Please find an overview of the latest updates on IPC services and applications.

December 2020

We are announcing that due to the removal of Adobe Flash from all Internet browsers on 31 December 2020, IPC have developed replacements for these Flash based applications currently hosted on IPC STORM, and will be released in December 2020.

The migration of each of the affected applications is summarised as follows:

Application  Migration pathway  Target System 
Dashboard Reporting  Developed new version  IPC BI platform 
EDI Transactions Developed new version  IPC BI platform 
Download Centre  Developed new version IPC SharePoint platform
EPG Document Centre  Moved to IPC website IPC website (EPG Members Lounge)
Check EDI Files  Developed new version IPC EDI File Editor application
S10 Item Validation Check  Developed new version IPC S10 Validation application
Tracking  Decommissioned  IPC Advanced Track And Trace (ATAT) application 


Click here for an FAQ about the STORM migration. Click here to access the new STORM portal.