We have drafted an FAQ about the Flash-based STORM applications that were removed and replaced in December 2020 to explain the impact and next steps.

We are announcing that due to the removal of Adobe Flash from all Internet browsers on 31 December 2020, IPC have developed replacements for Flash-based applications currently hosted on IPC STORM. The new replacement applications have been available to use from Monday 7 December 2020.

Click here to access the new STORM portal.

The migration of each of the affected applications is summarised as follows:

Application  Migration pathway  Target System 
Dashboard Reporting  Developed new version  IPC BI platform 
EDI Transactions  Developed new version  IPC BI platform 
Download Centre  Developed new version IPC SharePoint platform
EPG Document Centre  Moved to IPC website IPC website (EPG Members Lounge)
Check EDI Files  Developed new version IPC EDI File Editor application
S10 Item Validation Check  Developed new version IPC S10 Validation application
Tracking  Decommissioned  IPC Advanced Track And Trace (ATAT) application 


When was I informed?

You received an email at the beginning of December, providing you with all the information to access the new applications, as well as important information about how to complete user registration to access the new applications.

Do I need to do anything right now?

Other than creating awareness of this change inside your organisation, you do not need to do anything specific at this point. If you did not receive an email notification from IPC, please contact Service Desk..

Are any of the other applications in STORM affected?

No. The other applications (such as UNEX and the EDI Transaction Report) will not be replaced.

Please find a list of the applications not based on Adobe Flash and therefore unaffected by the Flash migration.

RESDES/PREDES  Under “Reporting” section
EDI Transaction Report 
(not to be confused with EDI Transactions) 
Under “Reporting” section
UNEX Reports
Under “UNEX Reporting” section
UNEX Item Search Under “UNEX Reporting” section
Public Tracking
Under “Modules” pull-down menu 


For applications that are not migrating and will remain operational on STORM, all current users shall be entitled to access them.

How do I access the new applications, is there a welcome page like there is in STORM?

Yes, there is a new landing page allowing you to jump to each of the new applications.

You can bookmark the landing page or individual applications.

Will I still be able to use my credentials to access the remaining applications on STORM unaffected by Flash?

Yes, STORM remains operational for the non-Flash based applications and if you have access to those, please continue to log into STORM as usual.

When will the affected STORM applications be decommissioned?

The applications will no longer function after 31 December 2020 by virtue of Flash being removed by Microsoft, Google, Apple, etc.

IPC will shut down all access to the affected applications no later than Monday 04 January 2021.

This means you can access both the current STORM Flash-based applications and the new versions of these applications up to 31 December 2020 should your browser continue to support Flash.

I have questions about my new credentials for the replacement applications?

Details on how to register or secure access to the new applications were sent to you beginning of December 2020. If you have any further questions please contact Service Desk.

Will I need separate credentials for each of the applications?

Yes. Your address used as a username will remain the same. Your STORM password will not work on the new applications.

You will have to set up a separate password depending on the application – BI and Office365 for example.

Whether you choose to unify your passwords across the new applications is your decision.

IPC are moving towards a single sign on (SSO) solution allowing users to use a single username and password across all IPC applications. IPC will communicate separately about this change in the future and is not linked to the STORM migration.

I I have any questions, who do I contact?

If you have any questions please contact Service Desk, relating your enquiry to “STORM Migration”.