IPC Senior Executive Forums are exclusive events in which top postal executives have an international forum to meet, share viewpoints, and exchange opinions. The objective is to gain strategic insights from a peer group of experts.

IPC Senior Executive Forums are exclusive events in which top postal executives have an international forum to meet, share viewpoints, and exchange opinions. The objective is to gain strategic insights from a peer group of experts.


IPC Senior Executive Forum on CEP Home Delivery, Brussels, October 2009

IPC outlined the scope of its major market research study into e-commerce and presented the initial findings of consumer attitudes in the business-to-consumer (B2C) parcels market. A presentation by Ulric Jérome, executive director of e-retailer PIXmania, provided a focus for a highly interactive discussion on customer needs.

Delegates at the forum exchanged views and ideas on sender and receiver segmentation and service, online tracking, and opportunities for postal operators to grow B2C business nationally and cross-border. There was strong support for a cooperative postal cross-border returns solution and for greater cooperation focused on identifying innovative developments in the B2C market.