The Temporary Emergency Committee of the Board of Governors of the U.S. Postal Service (“TEC”) will meet Nov. 14 in open session at Postal Service headquarters, 475 L’Enfant Plaza, SW, Washington, DC. The public is welcome to observe the meeting beginning at 8:30 a.m. ET in the Ben Franklin Room on the 11th floor. The TEC is expected to discuss the following items:
- Call to Order and Opening Remarks from Chairman Williams
- Remarks of the Postmaster General and CEO
- Approval of Minutes
- Committee Reports
- FY2018 10K and Financial Statements
- FY2019 IFP and Borrowing Resolution
- FY2020 Congressional Reimbursement Request
- Quarterly Service Performance Report
- Approval of Annual Report and Comprehensive Statement
- Approval of Tentative Agenda for February meetings
- Adjournment
- Public Comment Period
Open session meetings of the TEC of the Board of Governors are available on live audio webcasts at http://about.usps.com/news/electronic-press-kits/bog/welcome.htm. Three hours after the conclusion of the open session meeting, a recorded audio file will be available for listening. In compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, the audio webcast will be open-captioned.
Financial Briefing
Following the TEC’s open meeting on Nov. 14, Postmaster General & CEO Megan J. Brennan and Chief Financial Officer Joe Corbett will host a telephone/web conference call to discuss the financial results in more detail. The call will begin at 11:00 a.m. ET and is open to the news media and all other interested parties.
Source: USPS