
Australia Post has today announced that 100 per cent of its plastic satchel range will be made from recycled content by 2021.

Making the announcement at the National Plastics Summit in Canberra opened by Prime Minister Scott Morrison yesterday morning, Nicole Sheffield, Executive General Manager Community and Consumer said the commitment underlined Australia Post’s drive towards a sustainable future.

“Australia Post continues to incorporate sustainable design principles in the development of our packaging,  as we reduce greenhouse gas emmissions, non-renewable resource use and water consumption,” she said.

“As online shopping grows, Australia Post is focused on reducing the quantity of non-recycled packaging that moves through our network.”

The announcement comes on the back of Australia Post joining with one of its major customers, Country Road, to launch its first recycled plastic satchel in December 2019. The new satchel is made of recycled plastic, sending a clear signal to the market that major Australian brands are committed to eliminating the use of virgin plastic across our packaging supply chain. Australia Post aims to provide a range of packaging options for its customers that meet their needs and expectations.

Australia Post has been a signatory of the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) since 2005, joining other major businesses and Government to set the ambition to achieving national packaging targets. Since the launch of its Environmental Action Plan in 2018, Australia Post has been incorporating sustainability principles in the design and production of its packaging, a commitment that is reiterated in its 2020-2022 Group Corporate Responsibility Plan

In 2019, Australia Post also teamed up with REDCycle to offer our customers access to more than 1,800 soft plastics recycling points at major supermarkets across Australia.

Source: Australia Post