
DPD group reveals its 2020 results and announces its "Together & beyond" strategy for the next 5 years. Amidst the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, DPD group has become an essential ally in the delivery of vital goods for customers and businesses alike, resulting in a 42% increase in revenue growth compared to 2019.

2020, DPD group has broken all records, leading to incredible figures :

  • €11 billion in revenue, a 42% growth vs. 2019
  • 35% of Le Groupe La Poste’s revenue originated from DPD group in 2020
  • 1.9 billion parcels delivered worldwide, equivalent to 7.5 million per day (an increase of half a billion parcels vs. 2019)
  • Record peak day of 13.9 million parcels handled worldwide on Cyber Monday (30 November 2020)
  • More than half (55%) of the parcels delivered worldwide were B2C (+57% organic growth vs. 2019)
  • Doubling of profits from 2019 (€800 million)
  • Full integration of BRT in Italy and Jadlog in Brazil

DPD groupe through its strategy "Together & beyond" has a very clear objective for 2030, to become the international reference for sustainable delivery and the catalyst for the acceleration of e-commerce by relying on three pillars :

  • Expanding core activities
  • Accelerating initiatives
  • Conquering new horizons

In terms of revenues, DPD group aims to double its incomes in 2020 to reach 21 billion euros in 2025.

Source: Le Groupe La Poste