It enables customers to compare available options and directly book the best mode of transport, speed and rate. When booking a service, users can also choose a cargo insurance for their shipment and reduce their CO2 impact by selecting an alternative fuel or an offsetting option in just a few clicks. myDHLi Quote + Book is available in more than 70 countries at https://quote.mydhli.com. Until now, this service was already available for DHL Ocean Connect LCL (less-than-container-load), DHL Air Connect, and DHL Air Economy.
"With the expansion of myDHLi Quote + Book, customers can now easily compare and book even more transport services online, be it less-than-container-load or full-container-load, be it Ocean or Air Freight. This allows us to offer even higher transparency and flexibility and thus adapt to current customer needs," says Tim Scharwath, CEO DHL Global Forwarding, Freight.
With a highly intuitive user interface, myDHLi Quote + Book allows instant access to air and ocean freight quotes based on minimal information. Thanks to these transparent quotes, customers can compare rates and lead times to select the best option for their needs. The integrated CO2 Calculator automatically displays the carbon footprint for the shipment in comparison between air and ocean freight where available. Furthermore, customers can save quotes and share them with selected recipients via e-mail or directly continue to booking. Quotes are valid for up to 30 days and can be accessed for booking at a later stage during this time. Customers can also easily choose to neutralize the carbon emissions of their shipments. In the next step, shippers can either choose a clean-burning fuel for ocean freight or an offsetting option for any transport mode.
DHL Global Forwarding, Freight is continuously working on new services to offer its customers a state-of-the-art experience.
Source: Deutsche Post DHL