
On 18 March 2016, IPC has signed a partnership agreement with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

climateneutralnowOn 18 March 2016, IPC has signed a partnership agreement with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This agreement aims to collaboratively raise awareness in addressing the impacts of global climate change and work together to reduce GHG emissions across the Postal sector. 

The United Nations (UN) calls on businesses and individuals to reduce their climate footprints by taking action today. To avoid the worst effects of climate change, science tells us we must limit global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius. As well as action by governments, voluntary action by business and individuals is needed to ensure we get on track to avoid the worst of climate change and transition to climate neutrality by the second half of the 21st century.

The Climate Neutral Now initiative urges individuals, companies and governments to:

  1. Measure their climate footprint
  2. Reduce their greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible
  3. Offset what they cannot reduce using UN-certified emissions reductions

Climate Neutral Now provides a simple UN certified method for acting, as well as ways to support that action through an online portal.

For more information visit: http://climateneutralnow.org/

Read more about IPC's sustainability programme here.


About IPC’s Environmental Measurement and Monitoring Programme
IPC’s EMMS programme, the first sector-wide carbon reduction initiative for a services industry was launched in 2009 with a target of reducing postal sector CO2 emissions by 20% by 2020, based on 2008 baseline figures. Launched as a pilot in 2008 with 16 posts, EMMS was expanded in 2009 to 20 posts reporting on carbon emissions reduction efforts, to 22 in 2010 with the signing of Poste Italiane and Österreichische Post, to 23 in 2011 with the addition of South African Post Office, and to 25 in 2012 when Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos from Brazil and Nigerian Postal Service joined the programme..

About International Post Corporation
International Post Corporation is a cooperative association of 24 member postal operators in Asia Pacific, Europe and North America. Over the past two decades IPC has provided industry leadership by driving service quality and interoperability, supporting its members to ensure the high performance of international mail services and developing the IT infrastructure required to achieve this. IPC engages in industry research, creates business-critical intelligence, provides a range of platforms for member post CEOs and senior management to exchange best practices and discuss strategy, and gives its members an authoritative, independent and collective voice. IPC also manages the system for incentive-based payments between postal operators. With members delivering some 80% of global postal mail, IPC represents the majority of the world’s mail volume.
For further information, please contact:

Eva Wouters
Communications manager, PR and media relations
International Post Corporation
+32 2 724 71 91
[email protected]